Wednesday, September 03, 2008

WFMW - Backwards Edition: Sibling Squabbles

I am sooo glad that it's a WFMW backwards edition because I have a burning question!

I realize that all siblings fight. I have siblings and I fought with them. And, I've been a mother to more than one child for long enough to know about sibling rivalry. But, lately the sibling squabbles are frequent and enough to drive this mama right up the wall.

We started homeschooling this year. So far, I would have to say that it's been really good. After the first couple of weeks, both of my kids (4th & 2nd grade) have said that it's going better than they thought it would. They're enjoying our new adventure. And, I am too, with the exception of... you guessed it, the fighting!

All day long the battles go on. My son annoys my daughter and she squeals "STOP!". My daughter annoys my son, he hits her, she squeals. They just constantly seem to be picking on one another and annoying each other. When they decide to, they can be best of friends and great playmates.

So, please tell me your ideas on promoting peace, encouraging friendship, discipline, or whatever. Homeschool moms, I especially want to hear from you.


And, you can head over to Rocks In My Dryer to read other burning questions on this Works For Me Wednesday - Backwards Edition.