Little boy underwear are pretty self explanatory. The part where the "little door" is, goes in front. When my daughter started wearing panties and trying to put them on herself, she had trouble. She would have them on backwards, creating a "wedgie", or she'd have her waist through a leg hole. To help her get them on right (and therefore comfortably), I took my sharpie and drew a smiley face on the inside of the front of her panties, right along the waistband. Most of her panty problems were solved!! I feel a little strange blogging about underpants, but it worked for me!
Head on over to Shannon's for more great ideas!!
That's a great idea!! I'll have to go through my daughter's panties and do that. Right now the only way she gets them on right is if I hand it to her in the right way.
She's even worn them inside out. LOL
I would have never thought of this....thank you...I have a 3 year old that is FINALLY in her panties and there have been a few times she has done the same thing!
Oo! And you could make a comment about how the smiley face needs to kiss her belly button. I'm going to go do this. :D Thanks for the GREAT tip!
That is a great idea! I only put a dot on my little ones : ). Now, if I could only figure out how to get them to put their shoes on the right feet.
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