The Pampered Chef Food Chopper is what's working for me. If you've been to a Pampered Chef party, you've surely seen them demonstrate the food chopper. You can chop almost anything with it from nuts to onions to chocolate. However, the way the Pampered Chef chopper works for me is in preparing food for my littlest people.
Here is an example:
You have finely chopped spaghetti in a matter of seconds!
My youngest son, P, is 9 months old and just starting to eat some table foods. I've been using my chopper to get his food into itty, bitty bites, and it has worked great. I hope that this idea works for someone else who is tired of cutting spaghetti noodles with a fork!
Head on over to Rocks In My Dryer for more Works For Me fun!
I was at Bed,Bath,and Beyond the other day during one of their huge clearance sales and they had one of these (not PC) on sale. I've always wanted to get the PC chopper but couldn't justify spending the $25. Mine from BBB didn't come in the package so they gave it to me for $5. I'm in love!
Great tip! I will use this one when I have some tiny ones needing tiny bites.
genius!!! I'll definitely use this tip! I have the PC chopper (got it for a birthday gift just 2 weeks ago) and let Stinkerbell use it to help me cook. I'm convinced she'll own her own fancy dancy restaurant someday.
I love mine! I used mine for my hummus recipe I posted today.
We bipassed baby food completely by just chopping up whatever we were eating and spoon feeding it to the baby. It has to be my number one favorite kitchen tool!
I love mine too! I never thought of using it for chopping kids noodles and stuff..good idea. I usually use the pampered chef Pizza Cutter for slicing their noodles, sandwiches, brownies etc.
I love my chopper! (my brand is Kitchenaid though) So much easier to clean than the big food processor and chops chunks just the right size for my toddler.
I will be sure to send my daughter over to check out this entry - she is just starting her 2nd on more chunky foods & I am sure this will come in handy for her!
What a great tip! My kids are all beyond this stage but I love the idea. I have a PC chopper and agree, it is wonderful! What else do you use it for in the kitchen?
Here's a tip I will pass along - use your pizza cutter for pancakes and waffles. The kids can cut their own pancakes without help. It's super speedy for mom as well - no fork and knife needed. :)
Hi Jenny - I love my PC food chopper. It's the best tool.
BTW, how did it go w/baby #4 sleeping in his own bed? We never let any of our kiddos in bed with us - at all. Alone time for mommy and daddy :) LOL. Hope all is well.
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